Weaving by Rukia

8 March – 18 April 2023

Open night 8 March 5pm-8pm

Open every day 9am – 3pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am – 3pm

Rukia is a British Bangladeshi artist, teacher and mother, graduating from the London College of Communications (UAL). For many years her speciality has been in print and pattern design – along with the years challenges and exploration has led her to explore a new textile form -weaving. With the pandemic at its worse, she escaped and found tranquillity in weaving.

Textiles influence all areas of her work, whether it’s screen printing to photography to weaving; this course has helped her immensely to explore the culture she inherits and influenced by its culture and society and the ever apparent disconnect between Bangladesh and its people in England.

The exhibition you see is a combination of tapestries and pieces of upcycled garments with the woven twist. Rethinking about how we perceive fashion and the clothes that weshould without purpose. These pieces have been given a new life, previously tucked away and never used. They are now developed piece that takes weaving to another level. Remanaging the purpose of tapestries and what their use could be moving forward with fashion in mind.

Instagram: Ruk_iiiia

Tapestry weaving course with Rukia

Tuesday 18, 25 April, 2, 9 May

Join Rukia and learn the techniques to create striking, hand-woven tapestries. 

You’ll choose your colour scheme during the class and transform your design into a woven tapestry. 

The class will cover correct weaving techniques, creating geometric shapes, adding texture with soumak & rya knotting and how to take your weaving off the loom, finish it and display it. 

We work with various yarns and fibres, discussing the different properties and applications. We’ll also cover general principles for the structure and construction of tapestry weaving, and you will be shown how to apply these in your work in the future.

Book Here!